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Technologies and equipment for ointment production


  • Industrial production of cosmetic creams
  • Production of ointments
  • Production of cosmetic creams
  • The production process of ointments
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The process of making ointments can be periodic or continuous. The periodic process can be one-, two-, three-stage, etc., depending on the number of devices in which separate stages of the process of obtaining ointments are consistently carried out. The technology of manufacturing ointments at pharmaceutical enterprises is carried out in accordance with the regulations. It includes the following stages: sanitary treatment of premises and equipment; preparation of raw materials (medicinal substances, ointment base, packaging containers, etc.); introduction of medicinal substances into the base; homogenization of ointments; standardization; packing and storage of ointments. Sanitary treatment of premises and equipment is aimed at preventing microbial contamination during the production, storage and transportation of ointments, at creating safe working conditions and protecting the health of workers.

Storage of ointments in cosmetic production


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  • Stages of ointments production technology
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The terms and conditions of storage of ointments are determined by technical documentation. Factory-made ointments are stored in a cool, protected from light place from six months to two years or more. The storage conditions of ointments should be strictly observed. Environmental factors, especially temperature changes and light, often adversely affect the quality of ointments.

Standardization of ointments in production


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  • Equipment for the production of emulsion ointments
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Intra-shop control of ointments is carried out at almost every stage of production and especially before packing the drug. The final conclusion on all indicators of the quality of finished products is given by the quality control department of the plant. In the conditions of industrial production, the test is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the general article of the State Pharmacopoeia (GF) for ointments, as well as the requirements included in the articles of the GF for individual names of ointments. The ointment is standardized in appearance, uniformity, content of medicinal substances, pH value, degree of dispersion of solid particles, colloidal stability and thermal stability. The company controls the appearance, smell and characteristic organoleptic properties (if any) of ointments and other…

Organization of modern ointment production


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  • Equipment for the production of cosmetic cream
  • Equipment for the production of ointments
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  • Bottle capping
General recommendations for the selection of pharmaceutical equipment. The right choice of equipment is one of the most important issues of the organization of modern industrial production. Reliable, optimally selected and well-proven equipment largely determines the quality of the manufactured product, its competitiveness, and is also a guarantee of the successful development of production as a whole. The selection of equipment (for the pre-modern production of pharmaceutical products is carried out on the basis of many criteria. First of all, the equipment must be designed and optimally suited for the technological processes of production of a particular pharmaceutical product. Usually, preference is given to production machines and installations that allow several technological operations to be carried out at once, since their structural elements and operating...

Classification of ointment bases


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  • Equipment for the production of body cream
  • Pharmaceutical equipment for the production of ointments
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Ointments contain medicinal and auxiliary substances that should be evenly distributed in the dosage form. Excipients form a simple or complex base. Thus, the ointment base is the carrier of the medicinal substance. Depending on the composition, it can have an effect on the release, bioavailability and therapeutic effect of the medicinal substance. The bases provide the necessary mass of ointment, proper concentration of medicinal substances, soft consistency and have a significant impact on the stability of ointments. The degree of release of medicinal substances from ointments, the speed and completeness of their resorption largely depend on the nature and properties of the base. For example, an ointment of 2% boric acid on a consistent emulsion basis exhibits the same therapeutic activity as a similar...

Ointments, requirements for ointments and their classification


  • Equipment for the production of ointments
  • The production process of ointments
  • Stages of ointments production technology
  • Equipment for the production of cosmetic cream
  • Aluminum tubes for cosmetics
  • Dry mixing of powders
  • Production of filling machines
Of soft medicines for external use, ointments are most often used, which consist of an ointment base and a medicinal substance evenly distributed in it. Ointments are soft medicines for topical use, the dispersion medium of which, at a set storage temperature, has a non—Newtonian type of flow and high values of rheological parameters. They are highly viscous liquids capable of forming a smooth continuous film on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane. Ointments are the official dosage form intended for application to the skin, wound or mucous membranes. Despite the fact that ointments belong to the oldest medicinal forms mentioned in the Ebers papyrus, the works of Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna, they have not lost their significance today, in modern medicine.

Classification of ointments by purpose


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  • Equipment for the production of emulsion ointments
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Depending on the purpose of the ointment is divided into the following groups: medical ointments — ointments used for treatment, prevention, diagnosis in dermatology, ophthalmology, cardiology, dentistry, obstetrics, gynecology and other areas of clinical medicine. Cosmetic ointments — decorative, therapeutic, hygienic, for professional cosmetics - are used to soften and nourish the skin. The vitamins contained in them bring these ointments closer to therapeutic ones. Protective ointments — ointments used as personal protective equipment, ointments-films. They are used to protect hands and exposed parts of the body from the effects of chemical irritants in production and in everyday life. Electrode ointments are ointments and pastes for registering biological currents (physiotherapy, encephalography, electrocardiography, etc.). Their role is to fix the electrodes on the body, as well...

Classification of ointments by type of dispersed systems


  • Production of ointments
  • Equipment for the production of ointments and pastes
  • Introduction of medicinal substances into the ointment base
  • Line for the production of ointments
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From the point of view of technology (production cycle), as well as the physico-chemical nature of the basis and the nature of the distribution of medicinal substances in the basis, the classification of ointments by the type of dispersed systems is of the greatest importance. According to this classification, homogeneous and heterogeneous ointments are distinguished. Homogeneous ointments are characterized by the absence of an interfacial interface between medicinal substances and the base. In such ointments, medicinal substances are distributed in the base according to the type of solution, i.e. brought to molecular or micellar dispersion. Depending on the method of preparation, these can be: ointments-alloys, which are a combination of several fusible mutually soluble components; ointments-solutions that contain medicinal substances dissolved in the base; extraction...

Diphilic bases


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  • Equipment for the production of emulsion ointments
  • Stages of ointments production technology
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Diphilic bases have a soft consistency and are easily distributed over the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. Diphilic bases are divided into two groups - absorption and emulsion. Absorption bases are hydrophobic. These are anhydrous compositions of hydrophobic bases with an emulsifier (surfactant), which have the ability to incorporate the aqueous phase to form an emulsion system of the water—oil type. Their composition most often includes mixtures of petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly oil, ceresine and other hydrocarbons with emulsifiers. Surfactants, which are part of the absorption bases, usually contribute to enhancing the therapeutic activity of ointments. Absorption Diphilic bases can be divided into two groups: Diphilic bases consisting of hydrocarbons and emulsifiers (surfactants) of the water—oil type (vaseline and lanolin or wool wax...

Incorporation of medicine substances into the ointment base


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  • Hardware scheme for the production of ointments
  • How to open a toothpaste production
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The next stage in the production of ointments is the introduction of medicinal substances into the ointment base. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors: the degree of dispersion of medicinal substances; their uniform distribution over the entire mass of the base; the method of administration of medicinal substances into the base; time, speed and order of mixing of components; temperature regime, etc. Medicinal substances are injected into ointments taking into account their quantity and physico-chemical properties. They come in three types: soluble in the base; easily soluble in water; insoluble neither in the base nor in water.

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