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Storage of ointments in cosmetic production


  • Emulsifiers in the production of ointments
  • Stages of ointments production technology
  • Pharmaceutical equipment for the production of ointments
  • Equipment for the production of ointments
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The terms and conditions of storage of ointments are determined by technical documentation. Factory-made ointments are stored in a cool, protected from light place from six months to two years or more. The storage conditions of ointments should be strictly observed. Environmental factors, especially temperature changes and light, often adversely affect the quality of ointments.



  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
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  • Production of creams
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Valve-type plunger homogenizers are designed for one-, two- and three-stage homogenization. This process takes place in a special valve system, which is the center of the entire homogenization process. When passing through the smallest openings in the valve under high pressure and constant monitoring, the product finds itself in conditions of high turbulence, which is the most effective mechanism for dividing into particles. The degree of fragmentation depends on the hydraulic conditions in the valve slot area. These conditions are mainly determined by the homogenization pressure, which determines the speed of movement of the ointment in the valve slot and its height, which determines the hydraulic radius of the flow. Valve-type homogenizers use multi-plunger high-pressure pumps with three, five and even seven plungers. When the…

Classification of ointment bases


  • Buy equipment for the production of cream honey
  • Equipment for the production of body cream
  • Pharmaceutical equipment for the production of ointments
  • Contract production of ointments
  • automatic packaging machine for dishwashers price
  • Uncoated tablets
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  • drying methods
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  • Production of cosmetic creams
Ointments contain medicinal and auxiliary substances that should be evenly distributed in the dosage form. Excipients form a simple or complex base. Thus, the ointment base is the carrier of the medicinal substance. Depending on the composition, it can have an effect on the release, bioavailability and therapeutic effect of the medicinal substance. The bases provide the necessary mass of ointment, proper concentration of medicinal substances, soft consistency and have a significant impact on the stability of ointments. The degree of release of medicinal substances from ointments, the speed and completeness of their resorption largely depend on the nature and properties of the base. For example, an ointment of 2% boric acid on a consistent emulsion basis exhibits the same therapeutic activity as a similar...

Homogenization of ointments and creams


  • How to open a toothpaste production
  • Pharmaceutical equipment for the production of ointments
  • Buy equipment for the production of cream honey
  • Equipment for the production of body cream
  • Supradine coated tablets
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  • eco-analytical laboratory
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  • Tablet desktop machine
The next stage in the production of ointments is homogenization. This is a specific stage, since when mixing, the desired degree of dispersion of medicinal substances is not always achieved. For homogenization, various equipment is used, such as roller or disc masers, millstones and colloidal mills, as well as homogenizers-dispersants. Roller mazeterki have two or three rolls with a smooth surface, rotating towards each other at different speeds, ensuring the transition of ointment from shaft to shaft and increasing the friction between them. Rolls are made of porcelain, basalt or metal. To maintain the optimal temperature of the ointment entering the rolls, they are made hollow so that, if necessary, water can be supplied inside. Mazeterka is a system of three rolls in contact with...