A reliable service that is recommended



Laboratory strength tester for tablets and granules TT-03

Professional laboratory measuring device for determining the hardness of tablets and granules. It is made of stainless steel and covered with chrome. High-precision indicator with recording of readings. There are three additional stands for tablets and pellets. Weight 2 kg. The portable and easy-to-operate device is used in the medical, food and chemical industries. We provide a full range of services: installation, training, start-up, repair. Simple mechanical design. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Complies with GMP standard. We provide detailed instructions for setting up this model of tablet and pellet tester. Before shipping, the devices are checked and tested in production. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price includes delivery to the buyer’s city.

Automatic tablet and capsules counting and filling machine FF-02

Automatic machine with double vibration system for counting and packing tablets and gelatin capsules, for installation in the line of packing gelatin capsules and tablets in plastic bottles. A special system for feeding tablets or capsules is made in the form of waves. Vibration feed with the possibility of regulating the flow rate. Capsules or tablets are considered optical sensors. The maximum capacity is 100 vials per minute. The weight of the equipment is 450 kg. Made of high-quality stainless steel according to GMP standards. We provide detailed instructions for the operation of equipment for counting and packing tablets and capsules in bottles and vials. User manual and technical data sheet in English. The machines are checked and tested in production before being sent to…

Deblister machine for removing tablets and capsules from blister CTC-42

The Deblister machine removing tablets and capsules from the blister is designed to extract capsules and tablets from damaged blister PVC and aluminum packages. In this way, packaged products such as tablets, hard and soft gelatin capsules, candies and other similar products can be restored. Deblister machine can be easily and quickly rebuilt for different types of products, automatically separates plates from packaged products, works reliably and accurately and is suitable for many types and shapes of aluminum-plastic plates. Complies with GMP standard. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price is based on delivery to the buyer’s city.

Deblister machine for removing tablets and capsules from blister CTC-41

The Deblister machine removing tablets and capsules from the blister is designed to extract capsules and tablets from damaged blister PVC and aluminum packages. In this way, packaged products such as tablets, hard and soft gelatin capsules, candies and other similar products can be restored. Deblister machine can be easily and quickly rebuilt for different types of products, automatically separates plates from packaged products, works reliably and accurately and is suitable for many types and shapes of aluminum-plastic plates. Complies with GMP standard. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price is based on delivery to the buyer’s city.
