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Honey filling blister packing machine MN-82


  • Honey filling blister packing machine MN-82
  • Honey filling blister packing machine MN-82
  • Honey filling blister packing machine MN-82

Automatic blister packing machine for packaging honey, ketchup, cream and liquids. The maximum size of the blister is 70×100 mm, the depth of the cells is 26 mm. Compact size and weight. Suitable for use in small-scale production and packaging of liquid products. The capacity of 2400 blisters per hour. Maximum automation of all processes. Made of stainless steel according to GMP standards. We provide detailed instructions for setting up the blister equipment. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Before sending the equipment to the customer, it is checked and tested in production. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price is based on delivery to the buyer’s city.

Syringe blister packaging machine NB-42


  • Syringe blister packaging machine NB-42
  • Syringe blister packaging machine NB-42
  • Syringe blister packaging machine NB-42

The automatic flat-type blister machine is widely used for injectors, syringes, needles in the medical industry, face and eye masks in the cosmetic industry and various other products in all kinds of shapes and combinations of packaging and sealing paper-plastic. The equipment is equipped with a track-type molding device that provides excellent quality. The maximum size of the blister is 400 x 390 mm, the depth of the cells is 60 mm. Suitable for use in food production and packaging of syringes and medical supplies. The capacity is 7000-11000 blisters per hour. Maximum automation of all processes. Made of stainless steel according to GMP standards. We provide detailed instructions for setting up the blister equipment. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Before sending…

Alu/Alu automatic blister packing machine HMR-15


  • Blister Packing Machine Aluminum/Aluminum HMR 15
  • Blister Packing Machine Aluminum/Aluminum HMR 15
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Alu/Alu automatic blister packing machine uses composite aluminum foil as a packaging material, which has better performance and hydro and light insulation of products, and is also equipped with special molds for cold forming. This is a new type of packaging equipment in the pharmaceutical industry. The machine has two functions: when replacing the mold, it packs products not only in an Aluminum shell/Aluminum, but also Alu/PVC. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price is based on delivery to the buyer’s city.

Alu/Alu automatic blister packing machine HMR-14


  • Blister Packing Machine Aluminum/Aluminum HMR 14
  • Blister Packing Machine Aluminum/Aluminum HMR 14
  • Blister Packing Machine Aluminum/Aluminum HMR 14
  • Blister Packing Machine Aluminum/Aluminum HMR 14
  • HMR 14 Aluminum Blister Patsking Machine 4
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  • equipment for applying non-stick coating
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Alu/Alu automatic blister packing machine uses composite aluminum foil as the packaging material, which has better performance and product waterproofing and lightproofing, and is equipped with special molds for cold forming. It is a new kind of packaging equipment in pharmaceutical industry. The machine has two functions: when the mold is changed, it not only packs products in Aluminum/Aluminum shell, but also Aluminum/Plastic shell. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price is based on delivery to the buyer’s city.

Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80


  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80
  • Blister machine for packaging coffee in alu capsules FS-80

Automatic blister machine for packaging ground coffee with liquid flavor in ready-made aluminum capsules. The capacity of 2500-3000 coffee capsules per hour. Maximum automation of all processes. It is equipped with all the necessary options: empty capsules are dosed into the form one by one, nitrogen flushing into the empty capsule 1st and into the hopper 2nd, no capsule is filled, automatic feeding of ground coffee into the hopper using a vacuum feeder, filling of ground coffee, pressing coffee and cleaning capsule rims, nitrogen flushing 3-I, dispensing foil caps on filled capsules, no lid seals, pneumatic thermal welding of foil, the output of finished capsules and transportation by conveyor belt. Made of stainless steel according to GMP standards. We provide detailed instructions for setting up…
