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СATALOGUE / PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES / Force to push tablets out of the matrix

Force to push tablets out of the matrix

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СATALOGUE / PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES / Force to push tablets out of the matrix

Force to push tablets out of the matrix

To push the pressed tablet out of the die, a force is required to overcome the friction and adhesion between the side of the tablet and the die wall. Based on the magnitude of the ejection force, additions of sliding (sliding or lubricating) agents are predicted. As an example, the results of determining the technological characteristics of rounded-shaped substances are presented. Powders with rounded particles with basic particle size more than 100 microns (Ranitidine g/hl, carbamazepine, phenazepam) have high (8-9 g/s) bulkiness, high volumetric density before and after compaction, but insignificant compressibility and small compaction coefficient.
Phenazepam has a slightly lower bulkiness value (8 g/s), probably because it contains more fines and does not contain particles larger than 250 microns, which are present in ranitidine and carbamazepine.

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  • Information updated : 09 / 10 / 2024
  • In stock
  • Manufacturer : 1 year for Force to push tablets out of the matrix

Model: Force to push tablets out of the matrix

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If you did not find the equipment you need in our catalog, then call +79853643808 or make a request in the tab “Request a Call” and we will definitely offer you what you were looking for, or we will select similar equipment that will suit not only the technical characteristics, but also the price.
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The image of the object surface topography is visually observed on the monitor screen and recorded on large-format photographic film. The principle of operation of the electron scanning microscope is as follows: a narrow beam of electrons with kinetic energy of the order of 1-25 kV falls on the sample under study. Electrons of the reflected beam (secondary electrons), released by atoms on the surface, form an image that is registered on the screen or microphotograph. In order to avoid sample damage or combustion, the sample is pre-coated with a conductive layer (usually a thin layer of gold) to prevent charging of the surface. The method of electron scanning microscopy allows to determine with high resolution the structure of the studied samples, shape and size of particles, pore size, pore size distribution, surface porosity and visualize pore geometry.

Pharmaceutical Glossary

Antifriction agents  — A group of materials that have a low coefficient of friction, or materials that can reduce the coefficient of friction of other materials.
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Technical specifications

This once again proves the fact that the finer the particles, the lower the friability.
The above-described technological characteristics of powdered drug substances are of paramount importance in the development of composition and technology of tablet forms, which should provide the necessary bioavailability and, accordingly, the effectiveness and safety of the drug.
Technological characteristics of powders are established quickly enough, methods of their determination are simple and do not cause difficulties, therefore these methods are now widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for mass control of all incoming drug substances.

Additional information

As a rule, pharmaceutical companies analyze the dispersibility of drug substances by such available methods as sieve analysis, microscopy, using a laser particle analyzer, etc. This allows already at the stage of selection of firms-suppliers of drug substances to exclude non-standard substances in the developed technological process and ensure high quality of domestic tablet preparations. The method of electron scanning microscopy can be used to determine such properties as surface, shape and size of particles. Stationary electron scanning microscope designed to study the topography (microgeometry) of the surface of a solid body by secondary electron emission.

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