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Grinding equipment

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Grinding equipment

The choice of grinding equipment is determined by the properties of the materials to be processed and the degree of comminution. A ball mill consists of a rotating closed drum (porcelain or metal) inside which steel or porcelain crushing balls are placed. Mills are batch and continuous. The mill is hermetically sealed on all sides and has only one loading and unloading tightly closing hatch. After loading the drum with balls and the material to be ground, the mill is driven into rotary motion. The material is crushed by impact (the ball nozzle falls on the material to be crushed), abrasion and partially crushing action. The advantages of the ball mill are simple construction, easy operation and no powder atomization during operation. The disadvantages include the heterogeneity of the final product (particle size distribution), which requires additional operations such as sieving. Rod mill by design is close to the ball mill, but differs in the form of grinding bodies, which are steel rods with a diameter of 40-100 mm and a length of 25-50 mm less than the length of the drum. The rods come into contact with the material at many points and primarily crush large particles, protecting small particles from overgrinding. Therefore, the product in a rod mill is more uniform in size than in a ball mill. The principle of operation of the vertical ball mill is as follows: the substance to be ground is loaded by means of pump 6, while the rotor is rotating, solid particles of the material are crushed as a result of friction against the grinding bodies and each other. The finished product is discharged through spigot 7 in the upper part of the cylinder. When grinding under factory conditions, it must be taken into account that, for example, rhubarb rhizome requires one effort and sugar grinding requires another, much smaller effort.

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  • Information updated : 28 / 02 / 2025
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Model: Grinding equipment

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Substances containing crystallization water can be used in powders intended for subsequent dissolution. It is necessary to strictly observe the time of grinding of medicinal substances: insufficient time leads to incomplete grinding, and exceeding it may reduce the total surface area of the powder due to aggregation of ground particles. To increase the brittleness of substances, grinding with cooling is used (soaps, resins, waxy solid fats). The process is carried out with the supply of cold air after preliminary cooling in the refrigerator of the products themselves. In the case of complex powders, grinding starts with a coarse crystalline substance. Often when grinding use special techniques: for example, finer grinding of some drugs is achieved in the presence of indifferent substances (sucrose, lactose). Sometimes volatile liquids (ethanol) are added, an example is the grinding of camphor in the presence of ethanol. As the ethanol evaporates, a recrystallization phenomenon occurs and the camphor is distributed as tiny particles throughout the powder. Simple powders are obtained by thorough dry or wet grinding of dried drugs. When obtaining complex powders in factory conditions, each substance included in the mixture is milled separately and sieved through an appropriate sieve. When sieving mixtures through the openings of the sieve through the openings of the sieve pass first of all the smaller particles with a higher specific gravity, then the lighter and larger particles are sifted out. The result is a mixture of layers of different qualities, so the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed again after sieving.

Pharmaceutical Glossary

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Technical specifications

Depending on this, the appropriate equipment is selected (in the first case a hammer mill is needed, in the second case a ball mill). The type of roots is also important: one type of machine is used for fibrous roots and another for non-fibrous roots. It is also necessary to take into account the moisture content of raw materials: raw materials must necessarily be dried to a residual moisture content of 6-8%. For grinding medicinal substances that form poisonous or irritating dust, use the least dusty ball mills. Grinding is carried out in separate rooms, and the mills are closed with special covers. During the grinding process, personal safety measures are applied, using special clothing for personnel. Prefabricated shredder GF-300A, used in the modern pharmaceutical industry, consists of the following components: shredder, dust collector and collector for raw materials. The principle of operation is as follows: after loading into the hopper, the raw material falls between fixed and movable toothed disks, which rotate at high speed. The raw material is transformed into powder by pulsating drilling, cutting, kneading and by pushing granules of different sizes. All working parts are made of high quality stainless steel. The grinder is manufactured in accordance with GMP standard. In the CGS jet mill from the German company NETZSCH, the grinding energy is generated by gas jets through horizontally integrated air nozzles. The gas jets create a fluidized bed in which the particles are accelerated by the gas jet. As the particles move towards the center and at the very center of the chamber, they collide with other particles moving slower, and thus comminution occurs. The air appearing in the center of the chamber “transports” the particles to the classifier, which in turn sifts out the particles that are too coarse and allows only those particles that match the settings, such as the speed of the classifier and the amount of air to pass through.

Additional information

With the CGS jet mill it is possible to achieve particle dispersities in the range of 2- /0 µm. The desired dispersity is set via a rotary classifier. Depending on the medical purpose and method of application, powders have different dispersity requirements. Crystalline powders intended to be dissolved before use by patients (e.g. magnesium sulphate, boric acid) are usually dispensed as medium, medium-fine or even coarse powders. Powder powders intended for the treatment of various injuries of the skin or mucous membranes should have a high degree of dispersibility in order to increase the total surface area of the particles of these substances and reduce their traumatic effects. For example, in calcium-containing toothpastes, calcium is in the form of fine needle-like crystals so that these crystals can fill cracks in the enamel of teeth. In the manufacture of powders, it is necessary to take into account the physicochemical properties of drugs and excipients. In the manufacture of complex powders take into account: the size and shape of crystals, solubility in ethanol, the ability to adsorb (including coloring ability), the ability to electrify (sulfur, butadione) and atomize (magnesium oxide), volatility (menthol, camphor, essential oils, etc.). Difficult to grind substances (camphor, menthol, iodine) are ground in the presence of volatile solvents – alcohol or ether, which are surfactants (10 drops of alcohol or 15 drops of ether per 1 g of substance). They facilitate the process of destruction, produce a cleaving effect and, adsorbed on the smallest particles, prevent aggregation, stabilize the powder mass. Substances with coloring properties are introduced avoiding their direct and prolonged contact with the grinding surfaces of the equipment. To avoid moistening of the powder mixture and to improve grinding, some substances (sodium and magnesium sulfates, alum) should be used dried, having previously dried them at a temperature of 40-50°C.

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