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СATALOGUE / PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES / Classification of patches by composition

Classification of patches by composition


  • Production of medical patches
  • Fabric patch
  • Production of adhesive plaster rolls
  • Bandage
  • Shrink Wrapping Machine
  • Metallized doy pack
  • Cream soap production

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СATALOGUE / PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES / Classification of patches by composition

Classification of patches by composition

According to the composition of plaster masses, plasters are divided into ordinary and rubber plasters. Ordinary plasters (Emplastra Ordinarid) are subdivided into lead, lead-resin, lead-wax and resin-wax depending on the substances prevailing in the plaster base. These plasters contain as an obligatory component of lead soap, which has the following positive properties: does not have marring, easily fused with resins, waxes and various medicinal substances, and is stable in storage.
The negative property of lead soaps is their nonindifferentiability. Simple lead plaster (Emplastrum Plumbi simplex). The group of lead plasters includes a simple lead plaster, which in chemical terms is a mixture of lead salts of higher fatty acids (stearic, palmitic and oleic), and also contains traces of unsaponified fats and no more than 3% of water. The patch consists of 10 parts of sunflower oil, 10 parts of purified pig fat, 10 parts of lead oxide in the finest powder and distilled water in the amount necessary to form a homogeneous plastic mass. The basis for obtaining this patch is the reaction of saponification of fats with lead oxide in the presence of water at the coating point of the mass in a stainless steel coating or enameled coating with a steam jacket, equipped with a stirrer. It should be remembered that in the manufacture of simple lead plaster can not use copper and copper-tin coating. Consider the technological process of production of simple lead plaster. In a steam-heated coating, fats are melted. Then the steam inlet is suspended and lead oxide is added as a fine suspension in two parts of water. Then turn on the stirrer and after 15 minutes at a temperature of 100-110 ° C in the coating in small portions every 5 minutes add hot water, making sure that it is not completely coating.

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  • Information updated : 09 / 10 / 2024
  • In stock
  • Manufacturer : 1 year for Classification of patches by composition

Model: Classification of patches

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For its manufacture, lead plaster, wax and lanolin are fused in a steam-heated coating. The resulting semi-cooled mixture is gradually added to the concentrated mercury ointment and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, from which sticks are subsequently molded. Mercury patch is used to treat local manifestations of syphilis, epidemic parotitis, etc. Acrichin patch {Emplastrum acrichini) has the following composition: 10 parts acrichin, 15 parts methyl salicylate, 45 parts lead patch, 10 parts anhydrous lanolin, 10 parts 95% ethyl alcohol and 10 parts water. During the production of the patch, methyl salicylate is dissolved in alcohol, and acriquin – in water by heating, after which the solutions are mixed to the alloy of lead patch and lanolin. The acriquin patch is used to treat systemic lupus erythematosus. Resin-wax patches. The composition of these patches as a basis include alloys of paraffin, petroleum jelly, petrolatum, fat with resins (rosin) and wax, giving the mass stickiness. When making patches, it is necessary to make sure that these substances are anhydrous, because in the presence of moisture the mass becomes marky, and in storage – brittle and fragile. Production of resin-wax plasters is mainly industrial in nature and is conducted in a special reactor. The most characteristic representative of this group of plasters is a callus patch (Emplastrum ad clavos pedum), which consists of 20 parts of salicylic acid, 27 parts of rosin, 26 parts of paraffin and 27 parts of petrolatum. In the cooking pot in a warm alloy of paraffin, rosin and petrolatum with stirring dissolve salicylic acid. Ready patch is poured into molds of 3 g.

Pharmaceutical Glossary

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Technical specifications

One of the obvious signs of coating off water is the collapse of the foam and a rise in temperature, with the risk of decomposition of fats and glycerin. The coating of the patch (saponification process) lasts on average 2-3 hours. Initially red mixture gradually changes to whitish gray, and at the end of cooking – to a whitish mass. Cooking patch is considered complete when a small sample, poured into cold water, forms a plastic mass, which when kneaded does not leave marks on the hands and does not stick to the fingers. Next, the patch is freed from the glycerol formed during the hydrolysis of triglycerides of fats. To do this, still hot mass through a metal fine sieve poured into warm water, where it solidifies in the form of threads. This greatly increases the contact surface of the mass with water, which facilitates the washing of glycerol. The patch mass is then transferred to a kneading machine heated by steam, where it is mixed with warm water. Water is drained, after which kneading with water is made several more times. Washed in this way plastar mass again loaded into the coating and heated to 105-110 ° C until the complete removal of water. The finished product with the help of a suppository press rolled out or squeezed into sticks, which are wrapped with parchment paper.
The quality of the resulting patch depends largely on the quality of the original ingredients. It is necessary to ensure that lead oxide does not contain impurities of mealybug, which do not saponify fats, and water was necessarily distilled to avoid the formation of sulfates and carbonates of lead. In addition, by-products (glycerin and wash water) must be completely removed during the plaster production process to prevent the plaster mass from becoming brittle during storage.

Additional information

Simple lead plaster, in addition to direct use in medicine (for purulent inflammatory skin diseases, coating, carbuncles, etc.) serves as a basis for the preparation of all other types of ordinary plasters. Plasters, which, along with other medicinal substances includes a simple lead plaster, are divided into lead-resin (complex lead plaster) and lead-wax (plaster epilinovyh, mercury and acrihinovyh). Lead-resin plasters. This group includes a complex lead plaster (Emplastrum Plumbi compositum), which has the following composition: 85 parts of simple lead plaster, 10 parts of rosin and 5 parts of turpentine oil. For its preparation fuse lead plaster and rosin, and then to the semi-cooled mass with constant stirring add turpentine. Complex lead plaster is produced in the form of sticks and is used as a mild irritant for purulent inflammatory skin diseases, coating, etc. Lead-wax patches. This group of patches includes epilin, mercury and acrihin patches. Epilin plaster {Emplastrum Epilini) 4% consists of 4 parts epilin, 54 parts simple lead plaster, 5 parts wax, 22 parts anhydrous lanolin and 15 parts water. In the manufacturing process, the simple lead patch is fused with wax and anhydrous lanolin, after which the mass is filtered through a sieve into a container with a stirrer. Epilin is dissolved in distilled water at , weak heating. The resulting solution is emulsified in a warm alloy until the patch mass cools down completely. Epilin patch is used in dermatological practice for hair removal in the treatment of fungal diseases on the scalp. Mercury patch (Emplastrum hydrargyri) consists of 59 parts of concentrated gray mercury ointment with a mercury content of 84-86%, 16 parts of anhydrous lanolin, 150 parts of simple lead patch and 25 parts of yellow wax.

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