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СATALOGUE / PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES / Classification of ointments by type of dispersed systems

Classification of ointments by type of dispersed systems

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СATALOGUE / PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES / Classification of ointments by type of dispersed systems

Classification of ointments by type of dispersed systems

From the point of view of technology (production cycle), as well as the physicochemical nature of the base and the nature of distribution of drug substances in the base The classification of ointments according to the type of dispersed systems is of greatest importance. According to this classification, homogeneous and heterogeneous ointments are distinguished. Homogeneous ointments are characterized by the absence of interfacial interface between the drug substances and the base. In such ointments, the drug substances are distributed in the base by the type of solution, ie, brought to molecular or micellar dispersibility. Depending on the method of obtaining it can be: ointments-alloys, which are a combination of several fusible mutually soluble components, ointments-solutions, which contain medicinal substances dissolved in the base, extraction ointments obtained by extraction (extraction) of various plant or animal materials melted ointment base or vegetable oil.

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  • Information updated : 10 / 03 / 2025
  • In stock
  • Manufacturer : 1 year for Classification of ointments by type of dispersed systems

Model: Classification of ointments

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Since the solutions are not miscible with fatty bases, the resulting ointments are emulsions in which the dispersed medium is usually the ointment base. Most ointment-emulsions contain emulsifiers, so that the ointments are quite highly dispersed and stable. However, there are ointments that are stable only due to the high viscosity of the dispersion medium. In such ointments, the dispersed phase consists of large droplets. Combined (suspension-emulsion) ointments are the most complex multicomponent systems that include simultaneously drug substances soluble in the ointment base, insoluble powdered ingredients and aqueous solutions of drug substances, i.e. systems in which several substances with different physicochemical properties are simultaneously present.

Pharmaceutical Glossary

Articles  — A genre of journalism in which the author sets the task of analyzing social situations, processes, phenomena, primarily from the point of view of the regularities underlying them.
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Technical specifications

Heterogeneous ointments are characterized by the presence of an interfacial interface between the drug substances and the base. Heterogeneous ointments are two- or multiphase systems. Depending on the nature of the distribution of drug substances in the base heterogeneous ointments are divided into suspension (trituration), emulsion and combined (suspension-emulsion). Suspension (trituration) ointments are systems containing solid powdery drug substances insoluble in the ointment base and distributed in it by suspension type. Suspension ointments contain drug substances insoluble in water and fat.

Additional information

In the form of suspensions are also administered drugs that dissolve in water, but their solutions are caustic and can cause skin irritation and necrotic phenomena (resorcinol, pyrogallol, zinc sulfate, mercury dichloride, segnet salt”). In the suspended state in ointments are also introduced substances that require a significant amount of water for their dissolution (borax, boric acid). Ointments-suspensions may contain one or more drug substances, and each of them has its own interfacial interface. Thus, suspension ointments are two-, three-, and multiphase systems. Emulsion ointments are characterized by the presence of liquid dispersed phase, insoluble in the ointment base and distributed in it as an emulsion.

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