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Pill dedusting collector machine CC-20

The tablet dedusting machine is designed for dedusting tablets of any shape and is adapted to all types of tableting equipment. The attached dust collector removes dust from the vibrating filtration disc using compressed air and the tablets are thrown out. Using the vibration function, the tablets move along the concave channel of the filtration disc. In the process of moving to the lower filter, the tablets are turned over and watered automatically, and the compressed air blows out the dust that the dust collector has sucked out. Finally dust-free and polished tablets are thrown out. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price is based on delivery…

Automatic tablets dedusting machine CC-23

The tablet dust remover is a burr and dust removal equipment that promotes tablets from the bottom up. It can be connected to a tablet press and metal detection systems. All parts in contact with the products are made of 316L stainless steel. Complies with GMP standard. User manual and technical data sheet in English. Completeness and operability are guaranteed. We maintain a stock of parts and consumables in stock. The price is based on delivery to the buyer’s city.

Automatic tablets dedusting machine CC-22

Thetablet dedusting machine uses the principle of compressed air purging, centrifuge dedusting, roller deburring and vacuum extraction to clean the powder stuck to the surface of the tablet and the burrs on the edges, making the tablet surface smooth and the edges even. This is the equipment necessary for the production of tablets. The process of dedusting tablets occurs in a structurally closed area. During operation, the pressure on the tablets at the inlet and outlet is negative and there is no leakage of powder. The dedusting area is completely separated from the gearbox. The design of the dedusting device is simple, eliminates unnecessary removable devices, it is easy to disassemble, clean and assemble. All parts of the machine in contact with the product are…

Tablet Dusting Machine GGB-14

The GGB-14 tablet dust remover is a special equipment for the destruction of burrs and dust from tablets after pressing. This equipment can be connected to various tablet presses and is widely used in the pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries. Lifting movement. High output position. Automatic rotation of tablets. GMP design. High performance, simultaneous lifting of tablets and dedusting. Multilevel lifting of tablets with inversion. High efficiency thanks to a large channel and a long route. Vibration amplitude and speed adjustment. Easy to take apart for maintenance and cleaning. Durable and reliable.
