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Extruder for pharmaceutical production


  • Extruder for pharmaceutical industries
  • Production of effervescent tablets
  • Tablet technology manufacturing
  • Basic requirements for tablets
  • Carousel Filling machines
  • Draining boiler bu
  • Flowpack

The extrudate is obtained as a result of punching on special devices — extruders. After extrusion (punching), either cutting or spherization of microgranules occurs, followed by drying. Screw extruders (5-15 atm.) and radial-pushing extruders are used to carry out the extrusion process. In a screw extruder, the screw rotates in the drum and the material is forced through holes in the plate at the end of the drum. In the radial-pushing extruder, the extrudate is forced radially and exits through the holes. The advantages of the presented extruders are as follows: ensuring good mixing; high productivity during continuous production; the possibility of using the released heat; easy cleanability and replaceable internal parts. The disadvantage is the formation of stagnant zones.

Characteristic that all tablets are produced on one set of press


  • Eccentric Tablet Machine
  • Tablets manufactured in India
  • Tablets as a dosage form
  • Tablet Pressing equipment
  • semi-automatic sealing machine for capping vials price
  • Vials plastic packaging
  • Tubing machine

An eccentric machine is a single-position machine in which, when performing basic operations, processing objects (tablets) do not make transport movement. Each operation of the technological cycle is performed by a separate executive mechanism: loading (dosing), pressing, ejection mechanisms. For such machines, it is characteristic that all tablets are produced on one set of press tools.

Rotary tableting machines


  • Rotary tableting machines
  • Tablet technology manufacturing
  • Tablets manufactured in India
  • Tablets as a dosage form
  • Factory production of ointments
  • Pentoxyl coated tablets
  • if the acid solution gets on the skin , it is necessary
  • clinical and diagnostic laboratory of the Research Institute of Joint venture analysis for ko type
  • reactor for mixing liquids
  • concentrated acid spilled on the table is your tactic
  • blister machine for packing honey
  • Packing machine for dumplings

Rotary tablet machines (RTM), unlike eccentric ones, have a large number of matrices and punches. The matrices are mounted in a rotating matrix table. The pressure in the RTM increases gradually, which ensures a soft and uniform pressing of the tablets. rTMS have high productivity (up to 0.5 million tablets per hour). The technological cycle of tableting on RTM consists of a number of sequential operations: Filling the matrices with tableted material (volumetric dosing method). Actually pressing. Ejection. Dropping pills. The operations are performed sequentially in automatic mode. The upper and lower punches slide along the guides (caps) and pass between the pressing rollers, exerting simultaneous pressure on them. The pressure increases and decreases gradually, which leads to uniform and soft pressing of the tablet…
