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Inicio / Archivo por Categoría "TECNOLOGÍAS DE PRODUCCIÓN FARMACÉUTICA" (Page 5)


Producción industrial de yesos


  • produccion de plasticos
  • Producción de rollos de esparadrapo adhesivo.
  • La línea está diseñada para aplicar una capa adhesiva a un parche.
  • Plasters of domestic production
  • Ungüento de heparina
  • Máquina de la tableta del trineo
  • molécula de ácido clorhídrico
  • muestreo de materiales a granel
  • film shell
  • unit-of-measurement-of-period-in-the-international-system
  • parches de goma
  • Viales de embalaje al por mayor
Adhesive plasters "Uniplast fixing", "Bactericidal Veropharm" and "Uniplast bactericidal" Modern industrial production of plasters is characterized by a wide range of products. Therefore, it is not possible to consider in detail in one section the production of all types of plasters. In order to understand the specifics of the technological production of plasters, as well as to get acquainted with the main types of equipment used, as an example, consider the production of adhesive plasters "Uniplast fixing", "Bactericidal Veropharm" and "Uniplast bactericidal", organized at the Voronezh Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant, which is part of JSC "VEROPHARM". The adhesive plaster "Uniplast fixing" is produced in accordance with international quality standards. It is hypoallergenic, has high breathability, is easily and painlessly removed, easily tears without using scissors...

Peletización por capas


  • Pellets
  • Fundamentos de la tecnología de microesferas y pellets.
  • Pellets
  • Tabletas en una cáscara rosada
  • Máquina de llenado semiautomática
  • vidrio de laboratorio de vidrio
  • máquina de etiquetado
  • metrological requirements for scales
  • muebles de laboratorio para comprar en moscú
  • packaging of tablets technologist recommendations when purchasing
  • Trabajo de viales
Microspheres can also be made by layering a medicinal substance on inert microspheres. The layering process is a sequential application of layers of a medicinal substance from a solution, suspension or dry powder to the nuclei. The nuclei can be crystals or granules of the same material or inert particles. When layered from a solution or suspension, the particles of the medicinal substance are dissolved or suspended in a liquid. When the powder is layered, complete dissolution does not occur due to the small amount of liquid, regardless of the solubility of the active component in the liquid. When powder coating of the drug, the binder solution is first sprayed onto the inert nuclei, and then the powder is applied. By adding a layer-forming component,...

Equipos para procesos combinados


  • vitamins in tablets
  • Binder for pressing tablets
  • vitaminas
  • granulación farmacéutica
  • Hydraulic Tablet Machines
  • Dosificación y mezcla de polvos
  • dióxido de azufre durante el embarazo
  • tapones de tubo de silicona
  • trituradora industrial para basura
  • formas de dosificación duras y blandas
  • carboxylic acids in medicine
  • Contador de tabletas
The SG type apparatus manufactured by NPO "Pharmedobrazovanie" is used for granulation of powders in a fluidized bed, subsequent drying and dusting. This process is periodic. The body of the device is made of three all-welded sections, sequentially mounted with each other. The principle of operation is as follows: 30 kg of tablet mixture to be granulated is loaded into the food tank in accordance with the recipe. The trolley with the initial components is rolled into the machine and lifted. The air temperature required for fanulation is set, the mixing, fanulation and drying time is set, as well as the cyclicity and frequency of shaking of bag filters. The fan is turned on with the help of a gate that regulates the flow of...

Método de secado por pulverización (método de microencapsulación fisicoquímica)


  • Composición de microcápsulas
  • auxiliary substances in the production of microcapsules
  • cápsulas en polvo
  • producción industrial de microcápsulas
  • Producción de cremas
  • ¿Empaco comprar?
  • el ácido benzoico está en la naturaleza
  • embudos de goteo
  • buy a shredder for cardboard
  • qué son los tubos de aluminio
  • para-esterilización-de-soluciones-por-filtración-uso
  • Junta de la bomba de vacío
The method of spray drying of the dispersion or emulsion of the encapsulated substance containing polymer and solvent (both organic and aqueous) consists in their dispersion into the flow of a coolant gas. As a result of heat and mass transfer, the solvent is removed from the system and dense particles are formed, the encapsulated substance in which is distributed throughout the volume, and not concentrated in the capsule core. The most widespread groups of substances used for encapsulation by spray drying are carbohydrates, including modified and hydrolyzed starches, cellulose derivatives, gums and cyclodextrins; proteins, including whey proteins, casein and gelatin; biopolymers. The type of shell material used affects not only the encapsulation efficiency, but also the morphology of the product particles.

Método de extrusión (método de microencapsulación física)


  • Producción de microcápsulas
  • Esquema tecnológico de producción de microcápsulas.
  • La microencapsulación es un proceso tecnológico.
  • Microcapsules production
  • The cost of the filling machine
  • Compre un granulador de polvo
  • bureta qué es
  • bureta de pellets
  • burette application
  • tabletas de trituración
  • analizador-líquido-luminiscente-fotométrico-fluorado-02-5m
  • Equipos industriales para embalaje en tiras
During microencapsulation by extrusion, a thin viscous film of film-forming material is formed on the surface with small diameter holes, through which the encapsulated substance is pressed. The shell formed in this way is further stabilized by cooling or polymerization of its constituent monomers. For microencapsulation by extrusion, forming devices are also used, which are two coaxially arranged tubes of different diameters (a "pipe in a pipe" device). The encapsulated material is fed into the inner hole of the tube under pressure, and the shell material is fed into the inter—tube space.

Método basado en el uso de polímeros y agentes reticulantes.


  • Microcápsulas en un frasco.
  • Recubrimiento de microcápsulas
  • Microcapsulación en producción.
  • Automatic Packaging Machine
  • Caldera de drenaje
  • where to get sulfuric acid
  • embudo de vidrio para comprar
  • ventana de transferencia para salas blancas
  • nitric acid than dangerous to humans
  • máquinas de moldeo por inyección
  • Granulador industrial para productos farmacéuticos
Crosslinking of polymer chains is carried out by introducing special substances into the system, which, as a result of ion exchange, form bonds between two neighboring chains. In this case, the process takes place at the interface of the phases. It is possible to use oil-in-water systems containing a hydrophilic polymer and, for example, lower aldehydes as crosslinking agents. In this case, the interaction of the polymer with the aldehyde occurs in the aqueous phase, resulting in the formation of a new phase deposited on oil droplets, since the higher aldehydes dissolve in the non-polar phase.

Equipo para ensamblar, cortar y empaquetar leucoplástidos


  • Coating equipment for the production of adhesive plasters
  • Vendaje
  • Producción de rollos de esparadrapo adhesivo.
  • Producción de equipos de plástico.
  • Tea Filling Machine
  • Estuchadora para productos a granel
  • laboratory layout
  • dry drop of blood analysis
  • clinical minimum of examination
  • vida útil del ácido clorhídrico
  • extrusora de laboratorio para polímeros
  • Contador de cápsulas y tabletas
Equipment for assembling, cutting and laying adhesive plaster (Leucoplastrum), or elastic external adhesive plaster (Emplastrum adhaesivum elasticum externum). It is possible that the assembly, cutting and capping of a small and medium-sized adhesive plaster is carried out on an automated EURO type in the Italian company EURVSICMA. Depending on the material and size of the patch, the average productivity of the machine is 2000 patches per minute. Let's consider the operation of the machine on the example of the production of adhesive plasters "Uniplast bactericidal" and "Bactericidal Veropharm", which, although they differ in the formulations of adhesive compositions and used antiseptics, have the same production technology.

Conceptos básicos de la tecnología de microesferas y pellets


  • Producción de pellets
  • Pellets pharmaceutical production
  • Cápsulas de gelatina en blister.
  • Microesferas de pellets farmacéuticos
  • dispositivo desempolvador para tabletas precio automático
  • Buy aluminum pipes
  • expert recommendations capsule counter
  • plastic injection mold price
  • fenilciclidina
  • trituradora para neumáticos
  • stretch film rewinding machine
  • Ungüentos antifúngicos
Microspheres (pellets) are a new type of solid dosage form. Recently, in the pharmaceutical industry, drug manufacturers have been producing microspheres, or pellets (from the English pellet — ball, pellet, pellet), as the final or intermediate type of dosage form for the production of finished dosage forms. Microspheres are increasingly being used in the production of finished medicines, as they have a number of significant and undeniable advantages. Pellets can be tableted with the addition of suitable excipients, they can be the contents of capsules, as well as be part of suspensions. Microspheres (pellets) are agglomerates of fine powders or granules, which, in turn, may consist of medicinal and auxiliary substances. Microspheres are small, spherical or hemispherical solid particles with a diameter of 0.5 to...

Equipo para proceso de granulación húmeda


  • Mesa de producción de productos farmacéuticos.
  • Etapa de granulación
  • Producción de ungüentos estériles.
  • Drawing of the draining boiler
  • estándar qué es
  • preparation of soft dosage forms
  • laboratory equipment standard
  • una habitación para mantener animales de laboratorio 7 letras
  • scope of the system
  • Comprar ampollas de vidrio para sellar
The granulate is obtained in the process of granulation of wet mass on special granulator machines. The principle of operation of granulators is that the material is wiped with blades, springy wolves or other devices through a perforated cylinder or mesh. To ensure the wiping process, the machine must operate at an optimal mode without overload so that the wet mass passes freely through the holes of the cylinder or mesh. If the mass is sufficiently moistened and moderately plastic, then it does not seal the holes and the process goes without difficulty. If the mass is viscous and seals the holes, the machine works with overload and it is necessary to periodically turn off the motor and rinse the drum blades. The granulator contains...

Aplicación de revestimiento en lecho fluidizado


  • Application of a film coating on tablets
  • Recubrimientos cinematográficos para tabletas.
  • Application of film coatings on tablets
  • Film coating of the tablet
  • Máquina Etiquetadora de Salchichas
  • Precio automático de la máquina de encuadernación
  • Engarce manual para tapar viales de penicilina
The application of film coatings is carried out in apparatuses for combined granulation, drying and coating processes. A distinctive feature is the lower location of the nozzle. There are two possible ways of organizing the process: applying a film coating directly to crystals or granules containing a medicinal substance; conducting a preliminary stage — layering the medicinal substance on inert particles (pellets are most often used), after which a film coating is applied. During the coating process, a layer of particles is placed in a fluidized bed apparatus.

Próximos 10 modelos

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