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Tecnologías y equipos para la producción de formas farmacéuticas blandas.


  • Tecnologías y equipos para la producción de formas farmacéuticas blandas.
  • Equipment for the production of ointments
  • Equipment for the production of body cream
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The process of making ointments can be periodic or continuous. The periodic process can be one-, two-, three-stage, etc., depending on the number of devices in which separate stages of the process of obtaining ointments are consistently carried out. The technology of manufacturing ointments at pharmaceutical enterprises is carried out in accordance with the regulations. It includes the following stages: sanitary treatment of premises and equipment; preparation of raw materials (medicinal substances, ointment base, packaging containers, etc.); introduction of medicinal substances into the base; homogenization of ointments; standardization; packing and storage of ointments. Sanitary treatment of premises and equipment is aimed at preventing microbial contamination during the production, storage and transportation of ointments, at creating safe working conditions and protecting the health of workers.

Requisitos básicos de las formas farmacéuticas blandas gmp


  • Requisitos básicos de las formas farmacéuticas blandas gmp
  • Equipos de producción de cremas y ungüentos.
  • Standardization of ointments in production
  • Emulsifiers in the production of ointments
  • Cintas para etiquetadoras
  • Bomba de vacío de dos etapas
  • Tapado de viales

In the production of ointments, creams and other soft dosage forms, there is a particularly high risk of microbial and other contamination. Therefore, special measures are needed to prevent any contamination. Soft dosage forms have specific rheological properties and in most cases are heterogeneous dispersed systems. Therefore, in order to avoid heterogeneity of the product due to uneven distribution of components, formation of gas emulsions and destabilization of dispersed systems, special attention should be paid to the proper conduct of the technological process, the equipment used and the temperature conditions of product storage. Requirements for production facilities and equipment. The environment of the premises, taking into account all measures to protect production, should pose a minimal risk in terms of contamination of materials and products.



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  • Cream and ointment emulsifier ITA-09-10
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  • Emulsionante en crema y pomada ITA-09-10
  • Emulsionante en crema y pomada ITA-09-10
  • Emulsionante en crema y pomada ITA-09-10
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El conocimiento de una persona con formas medicinales blandas ocurre en los primeros días de vida, cuando las manos cariñosas de una madre aplican crema para bebés sobre la delicada piel de un niño. Luego, a lo largo de sus vidas, las personas usan formas medicinales blandas de cita médica para la prevención y el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades en dermatología con terapia externa de lesiones cutáneas de diversas etiologías, ginecología, proctología, oftalmología, así como cosméticos para proteger la piel de los efectos nocivos y prolongar su belleza y juventud. En este capítulo, se darán clasificaciones, se considerarán tecnologías para la producción de formas farmacéuticas blandas. Dependiendo de la consistencia, el grado de viscosidad y elasticidad, lo siguiente puede atribuirse a formas farmacéuticas blandas: Ungüentos;…

Unidad de producción al vacío para productos líquidos y en pasta


  • Contract production of ointments
  • Equipo de producción de crema.
  • Equipos para la producción de ungüentos en emulsión.
  • Etapas de puntos de tecnología de producción.
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  • el biomaterial está en medicina
  • Máquina de Embalaje de Cartón
The German-Swiss company FrymaKoruma, part of the Romaco group of companies, is well known in the world market of pharmaceutical equipment. In Russia, the equipment of this company is also widely represented at many enterprises. In particular, at one of the leading Russian pharmaceutical enterprises JSC Akrikhin, the production of ointments and creams is carried out at the Disho installation of FrymaKoruma. Vacuum is a production plant for liquid and pasty products FrymaKoruma MaxxD, which has the same principle of operation as the Disho installation, but is a more modern development of the company. FrymaKoruma MaxxD is a modular system for the production of emulsions and suspensions with a wide range of viscosity. The main advantages of the plant are high production efficiency, reduced operating...