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Inicio / Archivo por Categoría "TECNOLOGÍAS DE PRODUCCIÓN FARMACÉUTICA" (Page 7)


Clasificación de parches por composición


  • Production of medical patches
  • Parche de tela
  • Producción de rollos de esparadrapo adhesivo.
  • Vendaje
  • Máquina de Envoltura Retráctil
  • Paquete doy metalizado
  • Producción de jabón en crema

According to the composition of the adhesive masses, plasters are divided into ordinary and rubber. Ordinary plasters (Emplastra Ordinarid) are divided into lead, lead-resin, lead-wax and resin-wax depending on the substances prevailing in the plaster base. These patches contain lead soap as a mandatory component, which has the following positive properties: it has no hardness, is easily fused with resins, waxes and various medicinal substances, and is also stable during storage. A negative property of lead soaps is their non-indifference. A simple lead plaster (Emplastrum Plumbi simplex). The group of lead patches includes a simple lead patch, which is chemically a mixture of lead salts of higher fatty acids (stearic, palmitic and oleic), and also contains traces of unsaponified fats and no more than 3%…

Clasificación de formas farmacéuticas blandas


  • producción de cremas
  • Production of ointments
  • Clasificación de formas farmacéuticas blandas.
  • Producción de cremas cosméticas.
  • Granulador para polvos poliméricos
  • Tablets in a blue shell
  • Producción de cremas de confitería
Based on the above, the following classification of soft dosage forms is proposed: 1. Ointments by base type are divided into three groups: hydrophobic (lipophilic), hydrophobic absorption (emulsion) and hydrophilic ointments. Hydrophobic (lipophilic) ointments are prepared mainly on hydrocarbon bases (petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly oil, paraffin) and may contain other lipophilic excipients (vegetable oils, animal fats, waxes, synthetic glycerides and liquid polyalkyl-loxans). Only small amounts of water or aqueous solutions can be introduced into their composition. Hydrophobic ointments when used have an occlusive (preventing contact with air) effect, have a softening effect, are difficult to wash off with water and do not mix with exudate. Hydrophobic absorption ointments. Absorption ointments are hydrophobic, however, when rubbed into the skin, they can absorb (emulsify) exudate. The bases...

Hacer parches de goma


  • Producción de plásticos bactericidas.
  • China de producción de parches
  • Plasters of domestic production
  • Parche de tela
  • Línea de llenado de leche
  • Máquinas de Tabletas
  • Dispositivo para llenar cápsulas de gelatina dura
  • ampolla de tabletas
  • tipos de investigación de laboratorio en medicina
  • tips for dispensers are universal
  • ácido acético con ácido clorhídrico
  • Impresión en tubos de aluminio
Rubber patches (Collemplastra) are made on the basis of synthetic and natural non-vulcanized rubber. With the addition of resins, balms, fat-like and other substances, such as antioxidants. the advantages of rubber as a plaster base include the absence of an irritating effect on the skin, indifference to many medicinal substances, elasticity, air and moisture resistance. There are also disadvantages — it is weak plasticity and stickiness. Usually, rosin is added to it to eliminate them and make the rubber patch more sticky.

Recubrimiento de dragado para tabletas


  • Film coating of the tablet
  • Recubrimiento cinematográfico de tabletas.
  • Film coating of the tablet
  • Recubrimientos cinematográficos para tabletas.
  • Etiquetadora de Etiquetas
  • Caldera de drenaje para comprar
  • Operador de máquina de envasado automático

The term «coated coating» comes from the French word «dragee» and means «applying a sugar coating». A drained tablet consists of a core tablet containing a medicinal substance (substance) and a coating containing several excipients. The core tablet must be mechanically strong. Tablets to be drained should not have a flat shape to avoid sticking together. Let’s consider one of the old methods of coating — sugar coating. Sugar coating is an effective way of applying large layers of coatings, primarily to mask the taste. This type of coating is used for temperature-sensitive and brittle solid dosage forms. The first stage of this technology is the spraying of a solution for spraying onto a particle (tablet, pellet). The air supplied to the device evaporates the…

Granulación y secado en lecho fluidizado


  • Pastillas
  • Métodos de granulación de polvo.
  • Prensado de tabletas de polvo.
  • las tabletas son redondas
  • Embalaje y embalaje de tabletas
  • Máquina de envasado de paquetes de flujo horizontal
  • equipo de prensa
  • qué son los contadores de pastillas
  • eliminación de reactivos caducados
  • clima moderadamente frío
  • Equipo de secado y granulación de polvo de lecho fluido
  • Máquinas de llenado Doy pack
Granulation in a fluidized bed (PS) allows you to combine mixing, granulation, drying and dusting operations in one machine. Therefore, the granulation method in PS is increasingly used in the modern pharmaceutical industry. The process consists in mixing powdered ingredients in a suspended layer, followed by their moistening with a granulating liquid with continued stirring. A fluidized bed is formed when upward-directed air lifts a layer of solid particles, which begins to "boil" like a liquid. The layer is in a fluidized state. The forces acting on the particles in the state of fluidization are in equilibrium. The particles in the fluidized bed are mixed so efficiently that the temperature over the entire height of the fluidized bed remains constant. The general design of the...

Granulación y secado por aspersión


  • Granulation for production
  • Options for direct pressing of tablets
  • Granulación en la producción de tabletas.
  • Máquinas prensadoras de tabletas
  • Mixing of pharmaceutical powder
  • Embalaje de gel en tubos de aluminio
  • qué es esta tableta con la inscripción
  • trituradora rotativa para comprar
  • análisis de agua de rospotrebnadzor
  • definición-de-examen-bacteriológico-del-aire-en-una-instalación-médica
  • el principio de funcionamiento del polarímetro.
  • Equipos para envasado y envasado de detergente en polvo
This type of granulation is advisable to use in cases of undesirable prolonged contact of the granulated product with air, if possible directly from the solution (for example, in the production of antibiotics, enzymes, products from raw materials of animal and vegetable origin). This is due to the short drying time (from 3 to 30 seconds), the low temperature of the material (40-60 ° C) and the high temperature of the carrier, which is provided by high relative speeds and high values of the driving force of the drying process. There are two ways to carry out this process: spraying suspensions of fillers with the addition of a bonding agent and baking powder. The amount of solid phase in the suspension can be 50-60%.

Bases fílicas


  • Equipo de producción de crema.
  • Equipos para la producción de ungüentos en emulsión.
  • Etapas de puntos de tecnología de producción.
  • Hardware scheme for the production of ointments
  • Tabletas en la cubierta suprastin
  • Empacar bolsitas de té en una caja
  • maintenance of laboratory equipment
  • dyatkovo desk
  • propiedades del trabajo de laboratorio de ácido acético
  • equipo de wpc para la producción
  • olor a ácido clorhídrico
  • Doy Pack Equipamiento a Medida
Diphilic bases have a soft consistency and are easily distributed over the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. Diphilic bases are divided into two groups - absorption and emulsion. Absorption bases are hydrophobic. These are anhydrous compositions of hydrophobic bases with an emulsifier (surfactant), which have the ability to incorporate the aqueous phase to form an emulsion system of the water—oil type. Their composition most often includes mixtures of petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly oil, ceresine and other hydrocarbons with emulsifiers. Surfactants, which are part of the absorption bases, usually contribute to enhancing the therapeutic activity of ointments. Absorption Diphilic bases can be divided into two groups: Diphilic bases consisting of hydrocarbons and emulsifiers (surfactants) of the water—oil type (vaseline and lanolin or wool wax...

Encapsulación por método de recubrimiento en lecho fluidizado


  • Características de los recubrimientos cinematográficos de tabletas.
  • Film coating of the tablet
  • Film coatings on tablets
  • Recubrimiento cinematográfico de tabletas.
  • Tablets coated with dragees
  • Beer bottling line
  • laboratory
  • vida útil del ácido sulfúrico
  • producción de ampollas cómo elegir correctamente
  • qué es una patada de tambor
  • flow pack packaging equipment
  • Hornos de secado de polvo
Application of coatings in a fluidized bed of fine particles under supercritical conditions is a new developing technology designed for encapsulation of thermolabile products. Supercritical liquids are unique solvents because their density is similar to the densities of liquids, while the viscosity and diffusion coefficient are close to these indicators for gases. Spraying of supercritical solutions makes it possible to obtain droplets and particles of submicron size, as well as to spray on other particles. Since the cohesive and adhesive forces for supercritical solutions are small compared to these indicators for organic solvents, the capillary compression force is insignificant.

Los parches de mostaza son un tipo de parche de goma


  • tiritas de mostaza
  • Producción de emplastos de mostaza.
  • Production of mustard plasters
  • Equipos para la producción de emplastos de mostaza.
  • instalaciones automáticas para tapado de botellas precio
  • Prensas de Tabletas de Manivela
  • glucurónido de etilo qué es
  • polarimeter to buy
  • what applies to the methods of examination
  • microplásticos en cosmética
  • reglas para el muestreo para investigación de laboratorio
  • Máquina para Quitar el Polvo de Tabletas
They are rectangular sheets of paper measuring 8x12.5 cm, covered on one side with rubber glue and a layer of powder of low—fat mustard seeds 0.3-0.5 mm thick. The powder is obtained from the seeds of black (Semina Sinapis nigra) and Sarepta mustard (Semina Sinapis junceae), which contain the glycoside sinigrin, cleaved under the influence of the enzyme myrosine on glucose, potassium hydrosulfate and essential mustard oil (allylisothiocyanate). This is the most essential mustard oil and causes severe irritation and redness of the skin. Mustard seeds contain up to 35% of fatty oil, the presence of which has a bad effect on the quality of mustard plasters, as it causes rancidity of the powder and worsens their therapeutic effect.

Introduction to medical capsule production technology


  • Producción de cápsulas médicas.
  • Cápsulas de gelatina blanda para aceites y grasas.
  • Капсулы с натуральной пищевой добавкой
  • Cápsulas de gelatina sólida vacías
  • Métodos de recubrimiento de tabletas
  • Powder granulation technology
  • máquina de etiquetado semiautomática
  • síntesis de ácido benzoico
  • glass water filter
  • tubos de ensayo químicos
  • fotos de tubos de ensayo
  • Compre una ampolla
Capsule (from Lat. capsula — a case or shell) is a metered dosage form consisting of a drug enclosed in a shell. In 1846, Frenchman Jules Leuby received a patent for a "method of manufacturing medicinal coatings". He was the first to start making two-piece capsules, which he received by lowering metal pins fixed on a disk into a gelatin solution. The two parts were adjusted to each other and formed a "cylindrical box in the shape of a silkworm cocoon." In these capsules, pharmacists could already put powders or mixtures thereof, made according to a doctor's prescription. In its modern form, this method is used in the production of solid bivalve gelatin capsules. Capsules in their modern form can be considered a relatively young...

Próximos 10 modelos

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