Currently, the issues of improving the quality of human life play a huge role in the life of modern society. Of particular importance is the development and improvement of such an industry as pharmaceuticals. The creation of innovative technologies and equipment, the production of highly effective medicines of a new generation with selective or prolonged...
Sistema de tornillo para alimentar polvo a las tolvas de máquinas y tanques de almacenamiento. Con la ayuda de este transportador de tornillo, los materiales podrían alimentarse directamente desde el contenedor a un mezclador, reactor, tolva, prensa de tabletas, máquina de envasado, tamiz vibratorio y otros equipos farmacéuticos, alimenticios y químicos. El uso de este…
Pellets (microspheres) are obtained in several ways: direct pelletizing, pelletizing by rolling, pelletizing in a fluidized bed, pelletizing by layering. Pellets (microspheres) are obtained in several ways: direct pelletizing, pelletizing by rolling, pelletizing in a fluidized bed, pelletizing by layering. Direct pelletizing involves the creation of pellets directly from a powder with a binder or…
La máquina empacadora automática horizontal está diseñada para empacar productos por pieza en bolsas flowpack utilizando materiales de empaque de película compuesta y de una sola capa en un rollo sin contracción térmica. Se utiliza para muchos grupos de productos en las industrias alimentaria, cosmética, farmacéutica y de otro tipo. Puede empacar tabletas, cápsulas, productos…
Molino de martillos de laboratorio automático con función de carga continua de materias primas. El diseño le permite controlar la fracción del material resultante en la salida. La purga de aire de la cámara de molienda garantiza la ausencia de calentamiento del material y su adherencia. Productividad de 20 a 40 kg por hora. Peso…
The process of making ointments can be periodic or continuous. The periodic process can be one-, two-, three-stage, etc., depending on the number of devices in which separate stages of the process of obtaining ointments are consistently carried out. The technology of manufacturing ointments at pharmaceutical enterprises is carried out in accordance with the regulations….
The terms and conditions of storage of ointments are determined by technical documentation. Factory-made ointments are stored in a cool, protected from light place from six months to two years or more. The storage conditions of ointments should be strictly observed. Environmental factors, especially temperature changes and light, often adversely affect the quality of ointments.
Separador de metales para inspección de comprimidos y cápsulas. Tecnología alemana. La placa de control principal se exporta desde Alemania, alta sensibilidad de escaneo, alta confiabilidad. Detecta todos los contaminantes metálicos magnéticos y no magnéticos (acero, acero inoxidable, aluminio) y los elimina. Compatible con cualquier modelo de prensas para tabletas, máquinas para llenar cápsulas de…
Currently, automatic machines are widely used in the industry for pouring suppositories, which produce suppositories in contour cell packages. This package is intended for packaging the suppository mass into contour cells with subsequent sealing, coding and cutting into strips of the required length. At medium-capacity enterprises, machines for the production of suppositories use pre-molded tape,…
The process of making ointments can be periodic or continuous. The periodic process can be one-, two-, three-stage, etc., depending on the number of devices in which separate stages of the process of obtaining ointments are consistently carried out. The technology of manufacturing ointments at pharmaceutical enterprises is carried out in accordance with the regulations….