Secador de lecho fluidizado el secador utiliza una corriente de aire caliente para mantener los gránulos en un estado «suspendido» en la capa pseudo-licuada y secarlos rápidamente, el agua gastada se evapora con el flujo de aire. Este equipo se utiliza en la producción de preparaciones medicinales a base de hierbas, polvos combinados, gránulos, materiales…
For most chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, the technology of tablet production consists of the following disparate operations of weighing the starting material, grinding, sieving, mixing, granulation, tableting (pressing), coating. Some of the listed operations in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals may be absent. Three common technological schemes for obtaining tablets are most common: using wet granulation,...
El dispositivo desempolvador multicapa en espiral para tabletas y cápsulas está diseñado y fabricado sobre la base de tecnologías internacionales y realiza dos funciones: cargar tabletas y desempolvar tabletas. La ventaja de este modelo radica en los largos recorridos por los que pasan las pastillas durante el proceso de desempolvado, con torneado y pulido continuos….
From a physico-chemical point of view, suppositories are considered as dispersed systems consisting of a dispersion medium, represented by the basis of the Dispersed phase, in the role of which medicinal substances act. Depending on the properties of medicinal substances, dispersed systems of suppositories can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. Homogeneous systems are formed when...
Tableting (pressing) is the process of forming tablets from granular or powdery material under pressure. In modern pharmaceutical production, tableting is carried out on special presses called tablet machines.
Many companies producing pharmaceutical equipment are constantly working on improving the tablet presses and their components used. Recently, the company FETTE (Germany) has improved the rotary tablet press, using a segmented matrix disk instead of traditional matrices. Instead of 47 matrices and 47 screws, only 3 segments are used, which gives clear advantages, such as:...
The whole pressing process is proposed to be divided into three stages: compaction (pre-pressing); formation of a compact body; volumetric compression of the resulting compact body. At the first stage of pressing, under the influence of an external force, the material particles converge and seal due to their displacement relative to each other and filling...
There are some requirements for the granulating liquid, one of them is that the granulating liquid should not dissolve the active substance. Water, an aqueous solution of ethanol, acetone and methylene chloride can be used as a granulating liquid. A wide range of substances are used as binding agents for wet granulation in modern pharmaceutical...
El secador de esterilización con túnel de ozono ZXP-MG se utiliza para secar y esterilizar después de lavar recipientes de plástico para gotas para los ojos, líquidos orales en las industrias farmacéutica y alimentaria. El sistema de calefacción y el ozonizador de esta máquina se pueden controlar automáticamente y en un modo preestablecido. La velocidad…
Dry granulation is a method in which a powdery material (a mixture of medicinal and auxiliary substances) is compacted to produce a granulate. Dry granulation is used in cases where wet granulation affects the stability and/or physico-chemical characteristics of the medicinal substance, as well as when the medicinal and auxiliary substances are poorly compressed after...